Product Designer

Trying to find the best solution for users and business

Product Designer

Trying to find the best solution for users and business

Product Designer

Trying to find the best solution for users and business

My Focus

My Focus

My Focus


Defining goals and needs of the customers and business


Identify pains and problems and come up with possible solutions


Organizing and structuring content of services


Testing workflow on users at each fidelity step

Service Design

Organizing infrastructure and components to improve quality of service


Talking with users in their language using the tone of voice of the brand


Managing expectations between stakeholders and the development process


Understanding the basics of web and mobile app development

My Experience



Developed wireframes and prototypes to enhance product usability and customer satisfaction.

  • Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, including developers, engineers, and stakeholders, to ensure seamless integration of design concepts into final products.

  • Maintained a design system that improved design consistency and scalability

  • Figured out a new difficult area in less than a month

  • Developed three complex features in three months

Pik Market


Created visually appealing and cohesive designs, incorporating brand guidelines and enhancing the overall aesthetic of the product.

  • Developed wireframes and prototypes to enhance product usability and customer satisfaction.

  • By implementing design solutions, managed to improve website performance metrics. The bounce rate dropped from 78% to 8,4%, while the number of new users increased from 1,500 in the initial month to 50,000 in the most recent period.



Collaborated with product managers to define product roadmaps, prioritize features, and ensure seamless integration of design and development efforts.

  • Conducted in-depth user research and analysis to uncover user needs and pain points, informing design decisions and driving product improvements.

  • Launched two products from scratch in the bank, where they still bring benefits to users and businesses.

  • By incorporating best practices, successfully deployed one of the tools across 70% of our development teams, resulting in a remarkable 92% increase in product satisfaction levels.

  • Decreased the lead time of development teams by 2.5 times, and also rose reuse ready-made solutions by 33 percent in another product